Monday, May 27, 2013

Chapter 7 – When Doubt Whispers “I’m Such a Failure”

Chapter 7 – When Doubt Whispers “I’m Such a Failure”

1.     On a scale of 1 -10 (with 1 being “very little” and 10 being “a whole lot”) how often do you hear doubt whisper, You’re such a failure? Do you ever hear accusing dialogue saying things like, You always do that; You keep saying you’re sorry, but you’ll never change;  or You’re constantly disappointing someone?

2.     Jesus knew Peter would fail Him, yet He still saw beyond who Peter was to who he could become. How does it make you feel to know the same is true in your life.

3.     List your personal “failing forward” statements. Write them on a notecard and carry them with you this week and share them with us here. 

Monday, May 20, 2013

Chapter 6 – When Doubt Whispers “I’m Not Good Enough”

Chapter 6 – When Doubt Whispers “I’m Not Good Enough”

First off here is the video for this week -

We are halfway through the book at this point! I don’t know about you all but I have felt God moving in my life in a lot of different ways and I am finding myself being more confident in my relationship with God. Over the last couple weeks I have had to deal with something that I am not good at – waiting and not knowing what to expect. I started out stressing about this but decided that I was putting it all in God’s hands and He will show me His plan in His time. I’m working on being more patient and waiting for God, I think that 6 weeks ago this would have been much more difficult but I am growing in my confidence in God and in trusting Him.

On to our discussion questions for this week!

1.     What area of your life – as a woman, mom, wife, friend, daughter, housekeeper, professional, leader, etc. – do you currently struggle with most in believing you are good enough?

2.     This one is not really a question but a challenge – Go back and review the “Who I Am in Christ” chart. Highlight verses that speak to your heart the most about believing you are accepted, secure, or significant. Choose 7 of the verses/promises and write them on note cards. Read and pray out loud a different one each day this week.  – Please post the 1 or 2 verses that speak to you the most.

3.     Do you recognize Satan as a spiritual bully who wants to intimidate and defeat you? How will you take what you know now and prepare yourself for the daily battles when he tries to steal your confidence as a child of God?

4.     What are one or two AM (against me) thoughts you are currently dealing with? What FM (for me) thoughts from God’s promise will you replace them with?

I hope that you all have a blessed week filled with the knowledge you we are all children of the one true king!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Chapter 5 Living Beyond the Shadow of My Doubt

Chapter 5 - Living Beyond the Shadows of My Doubt

I can't believe we are already in week 5! We are almost half way through the book. I don't know about you but I can certainly feel God moving in my life and I want to tell you all how grateful I am that you chose to join me on this journey!

First off here is the video for this week! Check it out and let everyone know what you think! Did anything in the video speak to your heart? Can you relate to anything Renee is talking about?

Here are the questions for this week! As usual please do not feel tied to just these questions please feel free to tell us whatever speaks to your heart this week! 

1. Do you have any limitations or weaknesses that make you doubt God can use you, or would want to? If so describe them and why they make you doubt God can use you. 

2. The angel of the Lord told Gideon, "Go in the strength you have... am I not sending you?... I will be with you" (Judges 6:14-16) With that promise in mind, what doubts are you currently facing that you sense God wants you to conquer with Him and depend on His strength to overcome?

3. What are some triggers that cause you to doubt yourself (e.g., failure, fear, conflict, comparison, worry, etc)

4. What is the one thing from this week's reading that you will carry with you throughout the next week? 

Monday, May 6, 2013

Chapter 4 God Promises Hope For My Future Despite the Pain of My Past

Chapter 4 God Promises Hope For My Future Despite the Pain of My Past

Ladies, Welcome to week 4!! This week we are reading chapter 4 and answering the following discussion questions from the book. Also we have our second video clip this week! Don’t forget to tell us what you are highlighting and what has moved you or spoken to you this week. We want to share all that God is doing in our lives to give us all confident hearts!

One important note before we start this week, according to Renee Swope herself, chapter 4 can be difficult for a lot of women. She says "I've had women share that they wanted to quit reading and one confessed she wanted to throw the book across the room" Now I haven't read this chapter yet, as I am reading it right along with you all but I thought this would be good information to pass along so that we can be extra diligent in encouraging and supporting each other this week. I am sure Satan himself is not pleased that we are all working together to bring each other closer to our Almighty Father so that means he is working to divide us and making us lose interest in this or think it is too difficult. That liar will use our own insecurities against us jump at any chance he gets, so we need to remain strong in our worship of God, our love of Jesus, and our encouragement of each other. We need to pray for each other this week. If there is a discussion question below that you are not comfortable answering then don't answer it, answer it on your own, between you and God.
Renee Swope created a video for us to watch before beginning chapter 4, please watch this video before you begin chapter 4

I can’t wait to read what you all are getting from God this week!

1.    Has the pain of your past ever made it hard for your to believe in God’s promises and plans for your future? What do you sense he wants to change in your perspective?

2.  Can you think of a time when you asked “If God loves me, then why…?” If so, what happened that lead you to that question.

3.    Read 2 Corinthians 1:3-4. How has God comforted you and your troubles so that you can comfort others with the same hope He has given you?

4.     Read Isaiah 61:1-3. What are some things God promises in these verses that you are asking Him to fulfill in your life?

**Please read the other questions from this chapter and answer them privately. There are some important topics and thoughts in the questions I left out. I left them our because they are personal questions that you need to answer, just between you and God.