Monday, April 22, 2013

Chapter 2: Because God's Love is Perfect, I Don't Have to Be

Chapter 2 Because God’s Love is Perfect, I Don’t Have To Be

Ladies, we are starting week 2 and chapter 2! I loved our posts from last week’s chapter. It was a nice way to get us all started this week’s chapter seems to really start to dig deeper  - Yay!! I’m also super excited about the next 2 weeks, I have found (through her awesome blog!) some teaching video from Renee Swope that go right along with this book. So look for a link to the first video in next week’s post!

For this week we will read and discuss chapter 2. Please post your responses to the discussion questions before Sunday night so we all have time to discuss and share how this chapter had touched us or ask each other for clarifying insights.

To help us continue to grow in our discussions I am going to include an “extra” discussion question not really found in the chapter questions J

1.     Tell us something that you highlighted in the chapter, or something that just spoke to you, and why you think it touched you.

2.     Has anything ever happened that caused you to distance yourself from God or other people? How does it make you feel to know Jesus understands, and He is still there with you in every moment of every day? When do you need His assurance and presence most?

3.     Reread Sam’s story in John 4, asking Jesus to meet you there and show you things in your heart that need His repair. Is there part of Sam’s story or Renee’s (the author) story that you relate to most?

4.     What lesson from this chapter will you walk away with and hold on to so that you can live in the security of God’s approval and acceptance?


  1. I read chapter 2 twice and I'm still having trouble connecting. I understand it, it makes sense, but as I read your questions I have no answers. it may be because I'm too focused on my own problems our maybe I'm just not getting the chapters real meaning. I began to lose faith the other day, not a good thing I know. but I know I'm not perfect and I don't have to be. I know God loves me and I must trust him to do what is best for me even if it's not what I want. I know thus is not the real focus of the chapter bit it did remind me not to give up faith and trust in him that he accepts me as I am, flaws and all. think I will read chapter two again once my mind had settled.

    1. Tammy, that's why this Bible study is working for us, there are no right or wrong answers, just a group of women reading the same book on our journey to walk closer with God. We have all gone through periods of time when our faith has been tested, that is Satan's job, he wants to distance us from God and to do that he has to put doubt in our hearts. Jesus himself was tempted by Satan to try to make Him move away from God, Jesus fought him on it and we have to as well. The best thing is we have Jesus to help us in our fight and since He himself has gone through the same feelings we all struggle with He knows our pain and He knows how to help us through it. Hang on to Him my friend, and He will guide you through anything. When I start feeling like Satan is at work on me I do what my mom used to do and I say right out loud "Get behind me Satan, I am covered in the blood of Jesus and you have no hold and no effect on me" Satan has to retreat at the holy name of Jesus. As for the questions, they are just a guide, they are just to help get the discussion going, if you want to write about anything else feel free! The questions come straight from the book and I just pick the ones I think will bring us closer to our goal of a closer and deeper relationship with our personal savior Jesus Christ. Please do not feel that you need to provide an answer to any of them, just tell us what's in your heart and on your mind after reading the chapter :-)

  2. 1. In this chapter one of the things that I highlighted that really spoke to me was on pg. 43 where Renee writes “the only way we’ll have a confident heart is if we move beyond knowing about God to knowing ad relying on Him – to depending on His Word with our whole heart, mind, and soul” I highlighted this section because it sums up exactly what I wanted when I started this Bible study. I wanted to do more than just know about God I wanted to be in a relationship with Him. I am reading a book, it is a Christian fiction novel and the main character said “Even demons believe in God.” I want to do more than just believe in Him, I want to walk with Him, I want to trust Him implicitly.

    2. The loss of my mom when I was 23 drove me far away from God. I never stopped believing in Him, but I did stop believing and trusting Him. I felt like He had let me down, He was not supposed to give me more than I could handle and then He took my mom, one of the most faithful people I had ever known, and she wasn’t ready to go. I was angry that she was gone and so many evil people in the world were still here. I was angry at God and didn’t really pray much because I had prayed all the way to the hospital begging Him not to take my mom and I felt like my prayers were not answered. It makes me feel good that Jesus knows how I feel, knowing that He understands and that He is with me everyday lets me know that I am forgiven for my “temper tantrum” and that I am not alone, I have Him to lean on when things get tough, and they do and will get tough. I believe that I need his assurance and presence most is when it comes to my kids. Like any parent I worry so much about my kids, when they aren’t home and I hear sirens I want to text them or call them to make sure they are OK. As Bobby is preparing to become a law enforcement officer I am terrified of what he will face on a daily basis. These times are when I feel like I need His assurance and presence most, and I feel like I have had it lately. When I start to worry about them I remind myself that He loves them even more than I do and I have to trust that they are in His care no matter what.

    3 I found the story of the Samaritan woman to be sad but at the same time uplifting. According to the description in Renee’s book the woman was most likely scorned by the other women of the town because of her past. To have Jesus sitting across from you basically saying “I know what you have been through, I know what you have done, what you are doing now.” The fact that He knows what we have been through by our own choices and not by our own choices, and yet He still loves us, and He died for us speaks volumes to me. I know that we have all done at least 1 thing that we think no one knows about but ourselves, and we may do a good job of keeping that secret from everyone we know, but Jesus is sitting across from us everyday saying “I know what you have been through, I know what you have done and I am offering you forgiveness and eternal life” I mean I know that I have made some pretty poor choices in my life and I have asked for forgiveness and God has cast my sin into His sea of forgetfulness but I remember the choices I made and to have Jesus sitting across from me, knowing as well, that’s kind of scary LOL I believe if I were in “Sam’s” shoes and I knew that my Savior was sitting across from me I would fall to my knees and beg His forgiveness again. It sounds like Jesus didn’t judge the woman, He just gave her the Good News, that He is the Messiah! How awesome that must have been for her!

    4 That I am loved by God through all my flaws and mess ups and screw ups. He loves me and forgives me, like the title of the chapter says “Because God’s love is perfect, I don’t have to be” It’s OK to not be “fine”

  3. I typed this out once and was almost done and then I somehow deleted it. so .if you find another one of these from me..LOL Anyways, here we go again...

    1) I highlighted in the book the first page where it said I want to be sought after for who I am for simply being me! Also, pretending leads to isolation and hiding. (this is a big lie of the enemy to keep us feeling unloved..ugh)I spent too many years feeling that way! next sentence says what we need is someone who will pursue us even if we are flawed. I love that Jesus sees me for who I am. My heart! Renee's house analagy was good because we all have flaws even pastor's are not perfect. We have to listen to the HOly spirit in us the living water :)
    2)I have distanced myself many times and felt like nothing and no one is understanding my thoughts and views properly or that I am not getting my point across cclearly! I don't like to be misunderstood. After reading I know I need to depend on Jesus to accept me and be intimate with him and he will help me with my self in the process. In his eyes Sam saw acceptance. I want others to feel accepted too when they see me :)His love in me from feeling accepted by him. She felt valuable in his eyes! not a worldly value HIs worth in me!
    3)I love that Jesus went Sam's way. He came straight to her and her needs. This is what I related too and the people she was avoiding. After speaking to Jesus she ran to the town in front of all the people BOld and talked to them nothing to hide. Jesus allowed her to be real with him and then she felt true acceptance! His well never runs dry. Ahh LOVE THAT about our Savior!
    4)I can be real and not put on a "Facade" with Jesus he knows me and doesn't think less of me or JUDGE me for who I am and all my emotions. He will change them into his emotions :)

    1. Terri I also love that Jesus sees me for who I am, flaws and all. I can try to hide my flaws from others, especially those at a distance, like the chipped paint, but no matter what Jesus knows me inside and out and there is no hiding from Him. The best part is that even though He knows us inside and out, He knows ALL our flaws and even our secrets and He STILL loves us and forgives us!
